min 4 max 35

Local Reds - the taste of "Tálska frankovka"

Public or private
Number of samples
Bratislava region

Places available
35 / 35
Tasting length
90 minutes
Tasting type


Taste traditional local Bratislava red wines from Blaufrankish grapes in the Tál vineyards, from the 60-year-old roots of the traditional Máťuš z Rače winery. The former wine-growing village of Rača is now a part of Bratislava, only 25 minutes from the center by tram or taxi.

You will taste 10 wine samples: a welcome toast, young wines, white wines, rosé and Frankovka finishes, these are the top wines produced by the Máťuš winery.

It is a guided tasting, which means that the winemaker will explain and tell you more about the wines. A plate with local products is served with the wines: cheese, prosciutto, pastries. The tasting lasts about 90 minutes, is for a minimum of 4 people, a maximum of 35 people. If you need to stay, we recommend Hotel Baronka.

Be aware that the wine maker does not speak English very well but makes up for it with his friendliness.

Tasting conditions

Arrive in 10 minutes ahead.

How to get to the wine tasting?

Public transport
Tram running every 10 - 15 mins from the center of Bratislava.
48° 12' 40" N , 17° 9' 17" E
The buses runnig every 20 mins from the Nivy station, Bajkalská, Bratislava-predmestie.
  Detvianská 33, Rača-Bratislava