min 1 max 20 €12 Independent wine tasting Winery BOGNÁR Prostredná 42, Svätý Jur Public or private Public Number of samples 6 Region Bratislava region Tasting length 60 minutes Tasting type Interior Description Wine tasting takes place as an unguided tasting of pre-assembled wine sets. You can choose from four different combinations on the spot. To accompany the tasting, you can buy a snack to go with the wine, composed of matured goat and cow cheeses, cured meats and olives right on the spot. The wine tasting takes place in the historical building of previous monastery with amazing atmosphere. This snack is not included in the price of the tasting. The wine tasting takes up to one hour. Tasting conditions Please come on time to enjoy the most of the wine tasting experience. PreviousNextPreviousNext Video gallery Na dúšok s Petkom podcast č.32, BOGNÁR How to get to the wine tasting? Bus Buses run in the direction of Pezinok, Modra, Bratislava, approx. 30 minutes Train Trains run from Bratislava Main Station, 15 minutes Prostredná 42, Svätý Jur