min 1 max 1000

V. Strekov Open Cellars Day / V. Kürti nyitott pincék

Public or private
Number of samples
Nitra region

Tasting length
840 minutes
Tasting type


Pre-sale finished but tickets till on sale at the site!

Experience the unique atmosphere of the open cellars day in Strekov, one of the most famous wine villages in southern Slovakia. 28 Strekov winemakers open their cellars. Local artisans are also looking forward to visitors, with music on two stages in the middle of the vineyard and a rich gastro courtyard.

Tickets in pre-sale for 16 € (on-site 18 € until capacity is reached).

The ticket includes:

  • A tasting glass,
  • A glass bag,
  • A festival map,
  • 10 tasting tokens (0.20 €/token)

From 10:00 AM to midnight.

WINE TASTING - Visitors on the wine tour can taste wines from 28 Strekov winemakers as well as more than two dozen Kürt winemakers, like true explorers savoring the magical juices of both the Strekov and Kürt vineyards.
BORKÓSTOLÁS - több, mint két tucat kürti borász borait kóstolhatják meg azok, akik vállalkoznak a bortúrára - valódi felfedezők módjára ízlelhetik meg a kürti szőlőhegy varázslatos nedűit...

TOUR IN THE VINEYARD - As you walk between the cellars, immerse yourself in the everyday stories of local winemakers from both the Strekov and Kürt vineyards. Admire the special atmosphere of the Strekov vineyards or experience the unique ambiance of walking among the 180 cellars spread over five rows in the Kürt vineyard. Discover the stories and secrets that have shaped and formed our community, making us committed local patriots.
TÚRA A SZŐLŐHEGYEN - a kürti szőlőhegy öt pincesorának 180 pincéje között sétálva hallgathat bele mindennapjaink történeteibe, megélve a szőlőhegy különleges hangulatát, a pincék között andalogva átérezhetik mindazt, ami a mi közösségünket formálta és alakította, megismerhetik a titkot, ami bennünket elkötelezett lokálpatriótákká tett...

PROGRAMS - For our visitors’ pleasure, we offer authentic musical programs on two stages, hidden in the cellar row amidst the vineyard. These programs are designed to perfectly complement the tasting experience with delicious wines and cozy music performances.
PROGRAMOK - az ízletes borok mellett a középhegyi pincesoron két pódiumon autentikus zenés programokkal várjuk a hozzánk látogatókat...

GASTRO COURTYARD - Indulge in regional gastronomic specialties that enhance the tastings of exquisite wines and create a delightful backdrop of pleasant musical performances in both the Gastro and Gourmet courtyards, where the experience of good wine and music is completed by the region's characteristic gastronomic dishes.
ÍNYENCEK UDVARA - az ínyencek udvarában a jó bor és a hangulatos zenei produkciók élményét a régió jellegzetes gasztronómiai fogásai teszik teljessé...

Tasting conditions

You can exchange the tickets for a tasting package at the event location.

How to get to the wine tasting?

Z Nových Zámkov a zo Štúrova.
47° 54' 9" N , 18° 25' 6" E
Z Nových Zámkov a zo Štúrova.
47° 54' 0" N , 18° 23' 60" E
  Strekov, localita vinohrady (vineyards)